Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Ginger Benefits

"In the Garden, they were given a glass of ginger mixed drinks" (Al-Insan [76]: 17).
For us who live in Indonesia, the spice called ginger is certainly not foreign anymore. Besides sebgai commonly used cooking spices, ginger extract diseduh if the water in the heat and add a little sweetener, so drink a warm and tasty.
Of course, the root of rimpang recorded in Al-Qur'an and is called "Paradise drink" this, because not only are his pleasure. Furthermore, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala (SWT) has created a rich ginger spice sebagai akan womb chemicals that are useful for nutrition and medicine.
The scholars, have long been know that ginger can be used as drug certain diseases. As in Al-Adab Syar'iyah (3 / 28), Ibn Muflih Al hambali (763H) explains that the spices popule in the Arab world with a zanjabil this can eliminate interference due to the amount of digestion gas over the air in the stomach. instead that, also reduce the risk caused by the frozen food and chewy, and to help facilitate the process of digestion.
View of the scholars is also recognized by the world pharmaceutical modern. In British Journal of Anaesthesia vol.84 (2006) mentioned that to overcome the nausea and vomiting, ginger can utilized in. Because ginger serotonim able to block, that is, the compound that causes stomach berkontraksi.Juga the uterus gingeros in ginger can be used as peringan pain.
Even in the British journal of Nutrition vol.96 (2006), some of Kuwait University biologist describes the results of the experiment they . Its product, spices that have a latin name Zingiber offcinale is very useful for people with diabetes militus disease, because it can lower glucose, cholesterol, and protein content in urine significantly.
Scientifically as well, ginger proven capable against escherichia coli bacteria, the disease causes diarrhea, which has been proven several scientists from the Department of Microbiology China, was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistri, vol 55 (2007).
In the tradition of herbal medicine in this country, the ginger be destructed often used as the first due to snakebite wounds berbisa. its product, Allah SWT has given a lot of favors and benefits to mankind through this spice.

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